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The home of the QUnitMetro testing framework

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QUnitMetro - What others have to say

In June 2012, the project founder entered a speaking contest called "Speaker Idol" at Microsoft's Tech Ed conference. As part of that competition, he learned that the judges have a preference for new technologies, and seeing the latest 'bits' about any kind of technology. At the time, Jeff was learning about Windows 8 development with JavaScript and was disappointed about the lack of a unit testing framework that he could use. It was a perfect match, he spent a few days putting together a fork of the qUnit project and entered the results into the contest. Below is the presentation where Jeff gave in that competition to announce the QUnitMetro project.

In the time since, there have been a number of people discussing the JavaScript testing problem in Windows 8, but QUnitMetro was there first. Here are some of the discussions about QUnitMetro from around the web: